Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ask Otis

Hey Otis, Does your owner let you play video games, if so what's you favorite?
 -Col. Forbin,  Idaho
       Colonel, thanks for the great question. When I was a pup, I would sneak into MO's family room and try my luck with XBox 360. My favorite was Rock Band, I once found a drum stick on the floor and went to town. Rather than bang it on the drum pad, I just ran around with it in my mouth and my inner Keith Moon came out. MO saw this and put me in timeout, since then I'm only allowed to play Madden 2004. It has Michael Vick on the cover and I'm encouraged to chew it up.

Otis, Are you excited about the World Cup?
-Suzy Greenberg,  Georgia
       Am I ever, Suzy! This will be the first World Cup I've been alive for. I'm a huge Holland fan, and hope Wesley Sneijder and Dirk Kuyt lead the Oranje. With all the talk surrounding Spain and Brazil, watch as the Dutch fly under the radar and hoist the cup. Also, go U.S.A!

 Do you have a favorite Summer activity?
-Millie Grace,  Arkansas
       Millie, I would have to say swimming.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fun Under The Deck

Summer is here and MO has begun cooking a lot more people food outside. I like this because I get to be outside and hang out with him and his friends, sometimes other dogs even come over which is the best. We like to run and play in the yard while Mo and friends usually gather on the deck. I don’t fully understand the deck yet. I like to run and jump off of it, but my favorite by far, is exploring under the deck.
MO’s deck is only about two feet off the ground, with just a few places where I can dig to get under. I know a family of bunnies that live under the deck and I really don’t like them. I just want to get them. I can smell them and see them go under the deck all the time. At the right time, when MO’s not paying attention, I can dig and muscle my way under pretty quickly. I haven’t caught one of the bunnies yet, but that split second I see them running for their lives is awesome. When they realize they’re free is about the time I realize that I’m stuck, and shortly before MO realizes that I’m stuck under a deck he can’t fit under.
MO’s never happy when he assess’ the situation, and I know it’s because of me. I will squeeze and crawl to the middle of the deck until he calms down a bit. After he yells at me for about fifteen minutes he gets his big silver paw from the garage. One scoop with that big paw is like a minute of my furious two paw digging. Soon enough I see his face pop up and his arms stretching out to help me.
Some dogs might get excited to see their owner come to the rescue in this situation, not me. I feel sad knowing that my time under is deck is about over. I usually let MO struggle a bit I make him dig more and watch him uncomfortably squeeze himself further under the deck. I really wish he could see the beauty that I see on this side, but he could care less. After a while I crawl a bit and let him pull me up. I know that I’ll be ignored for the next few hours, but it’s definitely worth it. It gets even better after a fresh rain fall, the element of mud adds so much.
Last year MO stapled chicken wire to block me, but I was strong and persistent enough to paw it down. This summer, he built up a stone wall in hopes of stopping me. I have the will and just need to figure out the way.