Saturday, June 5, 2010

No Dogs Allowed

    MO left the radio on for me today and I heard one of my favorite songs, "No Dogs Allowed". This song explains why dogs can't ride the subway. Basically, it states that people have priority and need to use the subway to get in and out of town for work and other important activities. Dogs on a subway would be crowded and noisy and some people might even be scared to ride on a subway with a dog.

- me on the Brooklyn Bridge!

 When I was a pup MO took me to New York City. I remember one of my favorite walks of all time. We walked from SoHo to and across the Brooklyn Bridge and were heading back when I got tired and MO decided we should take the subway. It was cold out so I was happy when MO tucked me into his jacket as we descended into this new underground world. I was still in his jacket when the beast arrived with a monstrous scream. This caught my attention and I had to sneak a peak at this large silver train with hundreds of people rustling about. MO tucked me back into his jacket as we climbed aboard. The train let out a another scream as we started moving and made me anxious. MO sensed this and sat me down next to him on the seat. I immediately became the center of attention. So many people came up to pet me and ask how I was doing, while MO was busy explaining where we were from and that he wasn't aware I wasn't supposed to there. When the subway screamed and came to a stop at Prince Street. I had to say good-bye to my new friends and got a few more pets before MO tucked me back into his jacket as we walked up to the street.
     MO knew the entire time that dogs aren't allowed on the subway, apparently he was just playing dumb. He told me that a trip to New York was not complete until experiencing the subway. He also told me how the attitude of the other passengers changed the moment I popped out of his jacket. People were just sitting around with blank expressions on their faces, keeping to themselves. When I appeared, smiles began to appear and the quiet turned to chatter. A little boy pointed at me before he said something to his mother and ran up to meet me. I just wagged my tail and licked his nose, this was met by laughter and started a trend of visitors of all ages. By the time we got off the subway about half the car we were in were gathered together to enjoy the ride.
    I am now way too big for MO to carry me, let alone hide in his jacket, so my subway riding days are over. I'm glad I did it and am happy that I was so welcomed. Soon after we got home MO played the song for me and winked. No Dogs Allowed, no dogs allowed, no dogs allowed on the subway's a shame because my experience was a positive one for all.    
I hope to return to New York this summer!


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